Brett and I hopped a train to NYC on Saturday, May 7th to experience our first ever Ukulele Festival! I do believe it was the best $300 bucks I've spent (tickets and hotel) and it was an eye opening experience. First of all, to be in the company of so many other ukulele enthusiasts is worth it alone. To be able to participate in workshops with the performing artists (much like a master class from my old music school days) was worth the price of admission alone.
I learned at least two new chords!! And, learned to visualize breathing in a whole new way, that is remarkably simple. I got to play a banjo-uke (banjolele). Brett got to go on stage with a band (I have video proof! and he did awesome). I've emerged with an entirely new motivation to really learn to master the instrument. I've discovered new artists and we made a couple new friends!
Khabu and Elena performed for us in the first workshop and led a lively discussion on playing with rhythm and melody. I think I gained some insight into developing the freedom to play with the music to make it my own. They also touched on improvising and communicating with other musicians as you are playing with them.
Tripping Lily- An acoustic group from Cape Cod, lead a workshop where they taught the group how to play one of their songs "Getting Good." They have a very simple style using ukulele, mandolin and base. But they showed how they add complexity to their songs with harmonies. This is also where I learned a new favorite chord Gm in not one, but two voicings! During their set later on that evening, Brett and a couple of the other group members went on stage to play it with them! They were really very nice people and I hope we get to see them in concert soon.
Victoria Vox also performed and she is one of my newest favorite artists of the last year. She really puts on a good show and her songs are quirky and fun. I made sure to pick up a copy of her second song book.
Following the concert we headed back to our cheap hotel completely and utterly exhausted. But not first without stopping at Columbus Circle at night.
The next day after a nice breakfast at Columbus Circle, we headed to Central Park where we wandered and stopped to sit on a bench and play our ukes. I played 3 chords, and Brett improvised and we just made stuff up. This is what I aspire to do all the time when I become proficient enough. Just sit down anywhere and play my uke, preferably with Brett by my side plucking along with me!
24 hours in NYC felt like a week! I don't now how that happens. We hopped on the 11:45 train to Poughkeepsie and were home in time for Mother's Day dinner. Over all it was one of the better weekends I have had lately by far. And I am already toying with the idea of going to the Tampa Uke fest in November, or maybe the entire NYC Uke Fest next year (all 3 days!). I think my little Uke habit is going to get expensive.
Did I mention I want to add a banjolele to my collection?